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Huskies and small animal attacks

20 9:11:44

My best friend has three huskies, moma and two of the male puppies.  They are Moma(6 years old), Boys (are 3 years old).  They have always played with stuffed animals.  They recently got out of the fence and attacked three small dogs.  One died and the other two were injured.

Now the community is getting a petition together saying the animals are vicious.  I have been around these animals all their lives and they live in the home with a 5 years old child, bird (26 years old that just passed away last week), and my best friend.  Are they attacking small dogs to hurt them or are they just playing?  They have never been agressive animals other than to an armadillo and a opossum.

Siberian Huskies are not by nature aggressive (although it can happen), but instead are very active and rambunctious.  Unfortunately, this hyperactive play often results in injuring smaller animals that can't handle the intense play of the Siberian Husky.  In this way, any interaction should be supervised when smaller dogs or children are involved.  This unfortunate incident is proof of this.  My suggestion would be to, as an act of good faith to the community, enroll the dogs in a Canine Good Citizen program.  It's actually not all that difficult, but would be a nice proof to the neighborhood.