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Parrot fish calls S.O.S

23 16:16:33

Hey there, I just recently got 8 fishes about 4 days ago. 6 of them are blood parrots and 2 of them I'm not quite sure what they are. Here are some pictures and and those 2 greenish dark fishes are the ones I'm not sure about. Well about 2 days ago, the parrots were nudging eachother alot and they look like they're kissing, or it's a lip fight? Yesterday, they started having tattered fins and their skin looked like it was peeling? here's some more pictures and

Then 4 of the parrots were upside down at the bottom of the tank. One of them laid down on its side and a few hours later, it died. And then 1 of them struggled to swim right but it kept flipping upside down again. The remaining two were upside down except one was laying on it's side again. This morning the two of them passed away. I made a 50% water change last night, after the first parrot died and added 16 tablespoons of aquarium salt and 10 tablespoons of stress coat. My tank is about 90 gallons big. Right now I have 5 fish left, 3 of which are parrots and 2 which I'm not sure about. Here's are some pictures of what's going on now.

Also the parrots seem to be hanging around the top of the tank, but they're not floating though.

ANSWER: Hi Donna:  I found this question in the general pool of questions so I am going to try to give you some advice.  I would start with getting your water tested.  The symptoms you described cover a few things but mostly it sounds like extreme stress along with a chemical issue in your tank.  It is very important to check  and compare the pH of the tank you are purchasing fish from to your own tank at home.  Differences in pH that are greater then 1.0 can kill your fish or cause them a lot of damage.  The green fish in your pictures look like jewel cichlids to me.  They are normally docile fish but can be very aggressive.  Have you noticed that the jewels may have been picking on your parrots????  I would see if the remaining fish will eat blood worms or brine shrimp as a treat. You can sometimes overcome stress by feeding them.  I am almost certain that the fish loss you have experienced is from stress.  It would not hurt the fish to dose the tank with a fungal med like general cure or fungus cure.  The white stringy stuff in your last picture is fungus and that type of fungus is usually brought on by stress, or poor water conditions.  Please keep me posted... dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the green ones are alot smaller than the parrots and they have been hiding all along behind my plants which are artificial. I took them out though while I was dosing the tank with medication. I added melaxfix for 2 days straight now. Right now all the fish are doing fine, except for 1 parrot which is upside down. It keeps floating up to the top of the tank, and i saw it try to swim to bottom but it keeps floating back up. I checked the pH level and it was 6.0 and the nitrate level was 8.0 ppm. I did a 25% water change, and checked again but still same thing.

ANSWER: hi... Malafix is great for wounds... this is not a wound... this is more of a fungal issue caused by stress... I would treat the tank with aquarium salt and either general cure or fungus cure.  dave

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QUESTION: Guess the fish store guy, tricked me for my money. He told me to use nitrate remover, like these white rocks and place them in the filter and he told me the fish could've never fought eachother because parrots are known to be peaceful and nonagressive fish.. Anyways, I did 25% water change and i checked the pH level, it's 7.6 and the nitrate level is 6.0 ppm now. The parrot that's upside down, it's stil attempting to swim right side up and to not float. Also i noticed the fins of the parrot fish are kinda tattered.

Hi Donna:  Both the parrot fish and the jewel cichlids are cichlids.  Cichlids are one of the most aggressive fish you can have.  Most parrot fish are very docile but they are cichlids and the jewels ... even though they are very small can kill fish that are three times their size.   It sounds like to me like the tank is trying to correct itself.  I would do another small water change... 20% and then test the water again tomorrow.  I would take the carbon filter out of the tank if you are medicating because the carbon will absorb all of the medication.  Feed the fish well... but do not let food sit on the bottom of the tank... this will help them keep their strength up.  Add aquarium salt to the tank per its instructions and if possible leave the lights on the tank kind of dim or off so the floating parrot doesn't feel so exposed.  keep me posted... dave