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Problem on my parrot fish

23 15:18:41

QUESTION: Last Saturday, i noticed my 2 parrot fishes were no longer swim well and even not eating well and both were always on coral side which are not normal for i decided to change water in the tank (100'/.) and put 5ml Jungle water conditioner for my 10 gallon tank...until now, it is still the same condition as before and I am very worried that these 2 beautiful parrots might be kill soon...please help me...

Hoping for your quick reply.

Best regards.

ANSWER: Hi there,
Parrot fish are moody. They often will not eat and will lay on their sides if something is wrong with the tank's environment or something has changed.

Its good that you did a water change. Remember to always use water conditioner and make sure the temperature is equal to or just a little bit warmer than the tank's.

Has your tank been cycled? If not, your parrot fish could be in danger. Please read about cycling here -

Make sure your parrot fish have some caves to hide in so they can feel more secure. Keep a close eye on them. If its not a water quality problem, they should settle in a week or so.

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Parrot Fish
Parrot Fish  

Thank you so much for educating myself.

Right this morning, I bought a Fluval M50 Submersible Glass Aquarium Heater as I suspected that the water is too cool (however, these 2 blood parrot fish already experienced winter & spring last seasons without heater in the tank) and I set 80 deg F and for under observation.

A bit changed on the Parrots, the orange color is gradually back yet, both are still lay on their sides (as attached) which I never seen in the past few months since I owned these two lovely parrots.

I am hoping that both will be backed to normal soon.

Once again, thank you.

Beat regards.

Hi there!
Thank you for the picture. Its good that they have color, while they aren't at their best... At least their fins are not clamped tightly, which would signal an illness developing. Have you noticed them breathing heavily at all?

Do you notice their feces looking odd at all? Like white/stringy?

Parrot fish can withstand some temperature fluctuations, but are most comfortable at temps in the mid 70's to 82 F.

They are displaying such few signs to go off from I can't really determine what the exact problem may be. Besides if anything has changed with the water quality or the environment. Or if other fish are intimidating them. Parrot fish are prime targets for territorial fish.

I apologize if I have asked this before but are they eating at all? Shy/scared fish will not eat as well as sick fish or those coming down with an illness. This is a very important thing to keep in mind.

Is there any way you could test your tank water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates? Some petstores will do it for free. The levels should be as follows-
Nitrate- 15 or less ppm

Best of luck!