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egg tube?

23 15:26:32

Egg sack?
Egg sack?  
Occasionally, we have noticed these 1/8" (in diameter) squiggly tubes floating in the aquarium.  They do not move but are there for only a day before they disappear.  I have attached the best image I could take but it has a mirror image with it.  Any idea what is producing this?  We have pleckos, angels, rainbows, neon tetras, loaches, upside down catfish and silver dollars in the tank.
Thank you so much for your help in solving this mystery!

Dear Mary Lou,

The so called "Egg Tubes" are not from any of your fish. According to my experience, research, and study, they are not eggs at all since they disappear after just 1 day. They can be parasites that hard and infect your fish. I recommend a full water change, a full clean (if you have them) for the filter, bubbler, airstone [or buy a new one], etc.
Also, try the Tetra Parasite Guard. Parasite Guard removes external and internal parasites from tropical fish including flukes, internal worms, lice, anchor worms, and flagellates such as hexamita or spironucleus associated with hole-in-the-head disesase.

Hope this helps!