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My mollies behavior

23 16:42:27

Hello,  My mollies have had babies a few times, so I really thought I could tell if they were ready to have more babies. So I got a breeder tank and put the females (2) that I thought were ready to give birth and were also being chased and poked by the other fish.  Added salt, however no babies and since they appeared so unhappy to be in the breeder tank I let them go back to the group.  As soon as they were back in the water the other fish act like they are smelling them.  They swin very close and put there mouth right under the belly all the time, I can't see how the fish can even relax.  Is this normal behavior?

Well, I do not know that much about mollies breeding but I cna give you some of my ideas. First, chances are the other mollies are waiting to eat the babies and know they girl are ready any day now. You should either put them back in the net, perhaps one in one net and get another net for the other so they have more room, or you should get them their own tank. Once the babies are loose in the tank you will have a hard time getting them to safety. The girls probably cannot relax with the constance pestering and should be isolated. Let me know if you need more help. I hope I helped you out some.