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cichlid infection?

23 15:55:47


Cichlid injured
one of my cichlid fish was bullied bad (fins and body) by another cichlid  so i bought a tank seperater to let him heal but now where he was nipped on his side there is loss of color (he was blue now its white) and theres cottony white stuff coming out...what is this?? will he be okay?

Hi Kylee;

Poor guy. It's a type of fungal infection that's attached to the dead tissue on the wound. Aquarium salt can help fight it but your fish's infection is quite advanced. It needs a medication called malachite green. You don't want to treat the main tank though because the malachite green will discolor everything in the tank and kill your plants. Get a quarantine tank for him, fill it with old tank water to help him avoid shock and change 25% of the quarantine tank water every day to keep it clean. No filter, no gravel, just an air pump hooked to an air stone for bubbles and a heater to equalize the temperature. Here is a web page about saprolegnia fungus. I think that's probably what it is;

Good luck and I hope he does okay...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins