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GLO fish and guppies

23 15:27:11

Hi, I have a 10 gal. Tank with 1 gold mystery snail and 2 Cory cats(going to get another soon)
I did have about 3 glofish but 2 died and now I have one...I was wondering if guppies get along with glofish?
How do you tell male from female with guppies?
And would it be ok to put about 3 or 4 glofish in the tank with about 3 guppies?

Note: I have GLO fish NOT GOLDfish

Yes Glofish and guppies can go in the same tank. Glofish are schooling fish and should be added in groups of six. Here is the problem however. Glofish/Danios are very active fish and since they should be added in groups of 6, your tank is too small. They should be in nothing less than a 20 gallon long aquarium and that is just for them. When adding other fish, the tank needs to be even bigger. So in order to house 6 Glofish, 3 cory cats, and 3 guppies, you are looking at a 70 gallon tank minimum.
20 gallons for the Glofish, 10  gallons for each cory cat=30 gallons just for the cory's The guppies should be in nothing less than 10 gallons, where 20 gallons is better.

As for sexing the guppies, the males have long colorful tails and the females do not and the females are usually a grey color.