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Fish laying eggs?

23 16:14:20

I have a 20 gallon tank and have 2 fish.
They are silver with red tails, but I don't know the breed.
Over vacation one of the fish doubled in size.
A week later (yesterday) it was really fat. Today it is thin again but guards the inside of the toy castle 24/7
and the so called mate guards the outside of the castle 23/7. Did my fish give birth inside the castle?
Thanks a lot,
Christy C.

Hi Christy

It sure sounds like that's what's going on with them.  That actually sounds like typical cichlid behavior, guarding over the eggs and fry(babies).  Not many fish  actually tend or care for the eggs and fry.  Most fish just eat them.....But I cannot think of any cichlid that fits the description you gave.....If you can get a photo of them, I might be able to tell you what they are.  You can email them to me at and just put fish picture in the subject.  Or if you use an outside site, you can post the link here.
