Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > air bubbles?

air bubbles?

23 15:34:04

Hi fish deeva hope you are well. I have 2 common plecos they are about 10 in long, is big bubbles better then small bubbles? and what would the plecos like more. is there any tips I should know about making sure the plecos are happy and healthy?
thanks fish deeva

Hi Allan,

Feed them an algae pellet everyday.  Watch as they each run to each pellet.  One each.  10" long requires some good foods.  They love algae.  No better way to provide it other than a pellet.

They don't need bubbles as much as they need filtration.

Small bubbles are better.  They transmit more movement and therefore oxygenate at a faster/better rate.
