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Betta with cory fish in a 15 gal tank

23 15:25:48

My Tank
My Tank  
QUESTION: Hello Jaymie,

I just got a baby betta three days ago that's about half an inch in size. It's a happy little fish with lots of space. I have a 10 gallon tank for it, substrate (gravel), plastic plants, a hiding home decor, and a new ground heater. I have plastic plants floating on the top since I thought he'd like that. I didn't want to chance using tap water so I used spring water to fill my tank. I don't have a filter or air pump.

This is my first fish, however, so I have a few questions because I want my little betta to stay with me for a long time!

1. Does the tank have to be cycled for a betta? I'm reading about new tank syndrome and getting scared for my betta. I didn't cycle my tank (I don't know how to cycle a tank... I researched it but I still don't really understand it...) and I was told that bettas do not need their tank cycled because they are hardy and etc. If I have to cycle it, is there a way to do it without killing my betta? Would my betta be safe long-term without cycling?

2. Am I missing any supplies? Do I need test kits or an air pump? I was told that I needed need any of these things. Also - how often should I change the water in my tank? I was planning to do a 20% water change once a week since I only have one fish. Do you have any tips on how to do the water changes? There seems to be a lot of ways to do it and I'm unclear if they're all the correct way.

3. Can my betta live *happily* without a tank mate? Do you have any recommendations of tank mates for Bettas? How many fish could I fit in my 10 gal? And how true the "1 gal per 1 inch" rule is?

4. Do you have any feeding advice? I'm currently feeding it "Omega One Betta Buffet Pellets". The first ingredients are: Whole Salmon, Halibut, Shrimp, etc. I also have freeze dried blood worms. I just don't know how much to feed. So far I feed 1 crushed pellet a day. I'm thinking of making it 1/2 crushed pellet, but I don't know.

Your response will be very appreciated! I'm sorry for asking so much all at once. I did research as much as I could on my own beforehand to narrow down my questions.

Thank you for your time,
- M

Congratulations on your new Betta. I will answer in the order asked.

1. If there is not filter in the tank, then no, you do not need to cycle the tank. Cycling is for the filter.

2. You will want to get an API liquid water testing kit that will test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels in the water. You will also need a gravel vacuum. You will use this during your 25% water changes. Tap water is better for your fish than spring water. Bottled water does not have the minerals that tap water does. Just make sure you are using a water conditioner before adding it to his/her tank.

3.The male Betta lives a great life in a tank all by himself. They really do not need tank mates. If you choose to add, just do not add male guppies, or Gouramis. Research any fish before you get one to add to the tank. The 1" of fish per 1 gallon of water is a very old rule that most aquarium keepers no longer use. It is hard to say how many will fit because I would have to know what type of fish you want to add.

4. The Betta's stomach is the size of his eye so over feeding can become a problem. 1-2 a day should just fine. Feeding the blood worms once or twice a week is good as well. Just feed him a couple worms and all should be good.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello again!

I have a few questions that I hope you can answer...

1. I was at a pet store and overheard a salesperson talk about adult betta fish. He said that they cannot handle being in large tanks - that it's too overwhelming for the betta and it might die from stress. The explanation was that because bettas are kept in small cups/spaces until it is bought, that being moved to a 10+ gallon tank would be too much space and stress them out. I was wondering if there was any truth to this.

And while I'm here, I have decided that IF I were to ever get other fish, it would be cory catfish because the type I want grow to a max of 2", they're friendly fish, and they help clean the tank a bit. I did research them, but I want to confirm a few things:

2. If my betta turned out to be male - would it still get along with cory fish?

3. How many cory fish should I get for my 10 gallon?  I wouldn't want to stress my betta by getting too many, but I also don't want to get too few which would make the cory unhappy.

4. (Hypothetically) With 3-6 cory fish and 1 betta - would I *need* a filter for my fish to thrive? Or can they live healthily without a filter? (I'm against having a filter because my betta is still small and I also read that bettas don't like filters and prefer still water.)

The pet store employee is very wrong. They will do great in any tank larger than 5 gallons. Where is it that you got a Betta that small? They have to be a lot bigger before they are sold in stores. If it is that small, chances are it is female. Male Betta's can get along with other fish, but can also be very aggressive. It really depends on the fish. Females tend to do very good in community tanks. A 10 gallon is too small for 6 cory cats. You might be able to put 3 in the tank, but the more fish you put in the more you will need a filter. If you choose to put in a filter, you will have to cycle the tank BEFORE you add any fish.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I got my betta from Petco. It's less than an inch in size - about 3/4". They have fish that are barely a quarter inch. I want to wait for it to be 1.5" before I start to use the filter. My friend said that she thinks my betta is a female. Do you have any thoughts? (I included a picture.)

Update: My mother has a betta and wanted a larger tank (she had a 1.7gal), so I gave her my 10 gallon tank and updated to a 15 gallon. My fish seems a little angry at me for changing the tank.

- So how many 2" cory fish could I fit in the 15gallon?
- Are there any supplements I could get that would boost the health of my betta?

Thank you again! I'm sorry for asking so many questions. I'm just getting the hang of this.

It actually looks like a male, because of the fact that it is so small and has such a large dorsal fin and full tail. When you bought the fish, didn't it say the sex next to the type? Sometimes they are marked wrong, and I could also be wrong. Check the pectoral fins. They are the ones on the bottom just under the gills. The female will have short fins where the male will have much longer ones. You can put 4-5 cory cats in the 15 gallon tank. Remember that when you decide to use a filter, the tank will have to go through the 6 week cycle process. This should be done with no fish in the tank. During the cycle process, dangerous levels of ammonia and nitrites will be found in the water. These could not only make the fish ill, it can actually kill them. You might want to keep the Betta by itself and start another tank for the cory's. No need to apologize for the questions, that is what I am here for.