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Tiny white organisms in my tank

23 15:27:33

Fish tank
Fish tank
Hi Jaymie,
I recently found out some  tiny white organisms and some tiny white worm like  organisms in my is a 30L planted tank with 7 red danios and 1 neon tetra 1 sward tail.
Will  those white organisms harm the fish or plants? and what Should I do to get rid of them?
Pls refer the attachment.

Thank you,


These little worms are called Planaria worms. They are usually brought on by over feeding. They should not harm the fish, in fact, the fish will probably eat them. You can get rid of them by doing gravel cleaning for a few days. When vacuuming the gravel, remove 20 to 25% of the water only. Then add clean conditioned water back into the tank. Do this for a couple of days and this should curb them. To keep them out of the tank, only feed what the fish can eat in 2 mins and remove any uneaten food right away. It might take several days to get rid of the worms but if you do the gavel cleaning everyday it should take care of them.