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Minor wound

25 9:17:18

Gday Karen!
I treated the gourami with the minor wound with Melafix in a little tank
of about 8 litres (about 2 gallons I think). That was until the
airconditioner got fixed and now it is lovely and icy in since it
didn't have a heater (and he was looking a bit sad/sluggish) I put him
back in the heated 26 gallon community tank. I then treated the whole
tank with Melafix.

The lady in the petshop said Melafix was quite slow acting.  Would you
expect improvement with a week of Melafix treatments? I think the
little sore looks much the same.  It is a bit raised and sometimes
redder than others.

How do you swab a fish with Bettadine?  And do you need a special fish
version?  Or is the stuff in the medicine cupboard the right stuff?

I am pretty sure this is a wound and not some fungal bacteria thing.

Maybe keep on with the Melafix for longer?

Regards, Gillian  : )

PS Vacuuming up a bucket or two of water every day or so to get rid of
some muck.

Followup To
Question -
Hi Karen!
One of the Dwarf Gouramis I bought last week had a little mark
near his mouth on the lower mandible.  It looked like it might be
a bit of a scrape.  Not bloodiness or anything...just a little patch
of skin knocked off maybe.

Tonight I noticed it was red. Do you think this is red as in
'getting better'...or red as in 'an infection'?

In your experience can fish get over little wounds on their own?
Or do they get worse and worse and keel over?  The other Dwarf
Gourami and this one have been bickering too which they didn't
do to start with. But this wound is not from that.

I was reading up about hospital tanks.  I don't have one!  I would
be worried about adding medicine to the larger tank in case I
stuff up all that wonderful microbiology that has been working
so well. Can hospital tanks be quite small? (I'm broke).


Gillian  : ))

PS Even hotter here today -- just awful.

Answer -
Hi Gillian,
Small wounds on a fish will heal up just fine--often with no treatment.
I'm not for certain what
the excess redness would be but I would recommend you add the all-
natural fish medication
called "Melafix" it is made from natural tea tree oil and is very
effective--especially when used in
conjunction with Pimafix it is excellent for treating mild to even severe
wounds. And prevents
bacterial and fungal infections. This is especially important to make
sure his aquarium is clean.
Dirty gravel/water just increases the risk of bacterial infections greatly.

Just make sure his tank is clean, and the gravel not dirty.
Add melafix/Pimafix combo if you think he has an infection.

The best size for Hospital tanks is the cheap 10 gallon outfitted with
the standard basics of
But you can also use a 5 gallon, but at least around here a 10 gallon is
the cheapest and easiest
hospital tank to maintain. And is also useful because most medication
dosages are measured for
10 gallons.

By the way, Melafix/Pimafix won't harm the biological filter and won't
discolor the water or stain
the aquarium sealant. It is also extremely safe and harmless to all fish.

I really hope this helps! If you have anymore questions, as always feel
free to email me...

Best wishes! Sorry it's hot in your area...It's cold here!
Hope your Gourami gets well!

G'day Gillian!

Hmm.. Melafix does take a while to work. Especially if the wound has picked up an mild infection. I would continue with the melafix medications and even perhaps combine the treatment with Pimafix which helps with double antibiotics but is safe and won't hurt your fish. I have treated bacterial infections in the past with this combination but I did extend the treatment for another 7 days until my little fish lost all her redness in her fins (bacterial infection) And it's most wonderful you are changing some of the water every day. This is an important step in preventing and treating infections of any sort.
It was good you moved him into the heated 29 gallon. Just about all gouramis can't handle cold water.

Bentadine has been used for treatment of wounds. But I do not think it is neccessary. It would also be very stressful for the little gourami. Melafix/Pimafix and water changes should be all you need. If you do not have any sensitive fish (loaches, catfish, ect..) you can also add aquarium salt to their water.

I am quite certain he will heal with time and treatment. Just be patient and he should get better.

I hope this helps! Best wishes for your gourami!

Good to hear your A/C was fixed!!

Happy fishkeeping!