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wierd egg sack in newt tank

23 15:54:09


I have a firebelly newt tank, with apple snails and one minnow.

I just noticed really strange egg sacks near the top of the tank, about four inches from the top of the water,  attached to the glass, not in the water. The egg sacks are large, maybe two inches long, and a couple centimeters round. They are hard and white. A few of the little egg things are open. It is def. not newt eggs. Maybe it is some kind of insect?

Its hanging near the top of the aquarium.

Hi Yony,

Those are apple snail eggs (they're supposed to be pink.) They lay their eggs above the waterline.

Take a look for yourself:

Keep them, if you wish to breed your apple snails - but have a plan for trading them or giving them away, since you will end up with possibly hundreds of baby apple snails! Feed them slices of cucumber or zucchini weighed down with a magnetic Chip Clip. (The magnet adds weight, helping the vegetable to sink.) Or use algae wafers, but keep in mind these are very polluting.

Take care,