Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Melafix


23 15:26:45

His back fin
His back fin  
Its alex again, I just wanted you to see some images I got of my fish because I honestly can't tell if it is fin rot or tears. He has natural black outlining on his tail so it is hard.


ANSWER: Alexander,
Yes, he looks like he has fin rot. When he has his tail fanned out, there should be no gaps in it and I see a few. If the salt water does not help, you will have to get medication for fin rot. Use anything BUT Melafix or Bettafix. Doing water changes and keeping the water clean is the best way to heal it. Just try the salt, and if in a few days it does not seem to be helping let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Since he is only around 6 months old I think I will only use medication as a last option. Also I changed my filter media a few days ago and my ammonia is still at 0.25ppm but everything else is good. I am buying a new heater today for him because I want to make sure the temperature changes aren't stressing him. Is it safe to add  an ammonia eliminator tablet to his tank just during this treatment period? I am not too sure if that will make it worse


Since he is a Betta, he does not need, nor does he like, a filter. If you changed all the media, your tank is going to go through the cycle process which will not be good since there is a fish in the tank. I would remove the filter. The fastest and safest way to remove the ammonia is through daily water changes. Test the water daily using a liquid testing kit not the strips they are not reliable. If the ammonia reading is low, do a 25% change. If the reading is high do a 50% water changes.  Do this daily until the ammonia level is zero. The ammonia eliminator tablets don't work and because he is so young I would not add any type of chemical to his water.