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Betta w/ Tail Rot

23 16:43:48

I am in the process of setting up a new 20 gallon aquarium.  I recently had to transfer my betta from a 10 to  1 gallon tank. His tail is almost completely gone and I've tried nearly every product on the market and lately have had to make water changes every other day in his one gallon.  Any advice as to what I should do or what works?

Hi Gary;

"Maracyn Two" or Kanamycin will often work in stubborn cases, along with aquarium salt and Melafix. Use one or both of the two medicines with melafix and salt at the same time. Keeping the tank water warmer helps his immune system work better too. If your fish is over 2 years he may have a very hard time healing from old age. Bettas are about a year old when we buy them so once we've had them for a year they are already two. Here are some web pages about finrot you can read to see if they mention anything you haven't tried yet;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins