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my 30 litre tropical tank

23 16:02:06

hi can u please tell me how water circulation can help get oxygen into the water  thanks.

Hi Andrew, there are a few ways to gain extra oxygen into the water.  The first is lower temps.  The lower the temp your fish can stand, the richer the oxygen in the tank.  You can also, if you have no jumpers, leave your vents open.  Another good way is to have a bubble wand, or other type of airstone or aerator.  I use a long, 36+ inch bubble wand in my 120 gallon tank along with a large ornament that has a long airstone in it.  Both the clear lines coming from the wand and ornament plug into an air pump and this generates oxygen and even more importantly, movement in the water's current which releases oxygen.  You can also use a powerhead, as these will also generate movement and oxygen, and even your power filter can be a source of movement and oxygenation.  Some fish just need more than others and some need surface access to oxygen, which are labyrinth fish like bettas and gouramis.

Good luck : ) April M.