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parrot fish disease

23 15:26:07

parrot fish
parrot fish  
i find out today the skin of my 2 parrot fish like the photo and one of them is floating on the surface but still alive can you tell me what is this disease and what to do

Hi there,
Without a lot of background info, I can only make an educated guess on what's wrong.
It sounds like water quality problems.  I would immediately do a 50% water and repeat these watr changes every day until you see improvement. Make sure new water is treating with a water conditioner and the temp is equal to or just a little warmer than your tank's.. High levels of ammonia in unestablished tanks can do serious harm to your fish. I don't believe this is a disease but a reaction to an environmental problem.

Try to have your aquarium's ammonia, nitrites and nitrates checked. They should be as follows-
Nitrate-20 or less

Time is critical here and water changes are your best bet now.
I hope this helps and best of luck!