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Tried many thing, green water will not go away.

25 9:15:18

I have tried everything to get rid of green water.  The tank was first set up and was fine for over 6 months with fish.  At that point I had an algea bloom which was easily treated with Algea Fix.  This was only a temporary fix so it seems but every time I put Algea Fix in a fish would die.  I ended up having no fish and have not put any more in the tank because I was trying to get rid of the green water.  The whole tank was cleaned, rocks and such were heated to kill anything on them.  The tank was set back up was ready and then I added fish a month after, things went well till the green water reappeared.  This time Algea Fix did not work.  Someone then told me there was not enough good algea to kill the bad algea so I tried using Cycle.  Basically they were saying my tank was too clean.  This does not seem to work.  I am now covering the tank for three days so no light gets in.  I found this suggestion on the web.  The tank water has all good level, right temp, 5 hours lamp light per day, tank gets indirect low light.  Do you have any suggestion to this green water problem, it seems as though I have tried everything.

Dear Mark,
In the past of volunteering on here I've gotten many questions about green water and problems with getting rid of it. Many aquarists swear that lighting is the problem--sure it does contribute, but I really reckon it has much to do with nutrients in the water. I've 'cured' pea-soup green aquariums in the past with one thing, and one thing only--
Water changes. Lots of them. Do away with the algecides, they are harmful to your fishes enviroment and are uneccesary.

I don't know about not enough good algae. And I don't believe it's because your tank is too clean. The one thing I would suggest above all--is 50% water changes everyday. Be sure to make the replacement water equal in temperature to that of your aquarium and always dechlorinate it.

Trust me, in the past, all green aquariums were cured with large water changes in a matter of days. One example is a 30 gallon freshwater aquarium with one 6 inch Oscar that a relative of mine gave me (or gave up) in frustration to the pea-soup green water. They tried algaecides like you did but of course they did not work. I placed the 30gal in a room with very plentiful bright windows, changed half the water everyday and within 4 days, the aquarium was completely clear and you could see the oscar again. The aquarium never got green again.

Please do not do a complete cleaning of your aquarium especially when there are fish living in it. This destroys the beneficial bacteria whom convert fish waste into less harmful compounds.

Water changes are the best solution to every water quality problem. Please try doing 50% everyday on your aquarium in addition to the light being off just to help things out. If your aquarium isn't clear within a week and with daily water changes, let me know.

Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!