Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > red finned shark

red finned shark

23 16:01:23

i just got a red finned shark. nothing has happened so far but i don't know any thing about them. can u help me i have them in a 10 gal tank. do i need to get plants or anything? what do they eat? are they tough?

Dear Matt,

 You said them so I'm going to address this issue first... even though I think you meant you only have one.  This fish is best kept as a single fish.  You should never keep two of them together or other fish with it.  They like a lot of plants and caves to hide in, mainly wood and rock.    
 They are omnivores so they will eat anything from flakes to live foods.  Whatever hits the water they will eat.  They get up to 6 inches.  
  They like a PH of between 6.5-7.5.  The water Temperature should be 73 - 79 degrees Fahrenheit.  They will live from 5 - 8 years.