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25 9:19:06

Well i have bought the pup home before my birthday. When i visited Blue Cross ( a shelter) there were some orphaned pups whose owners could not sell them being croos or mixed breeds. There was a litter of cocker spaniel x Fox terrier (long haired) pups. I chose the best one-- a female. I bought home snuffy(thats her name) and she is doing fine except for a few ticks here and there.

You see i have been sent some money as a birthday present from my aunt. I am planning to buy one more fish tank.(You may think i am greedy but i just cannot stop myself from liking fish).....Oh! and by the way, my poor oscars Toodel, Mischief and Pablo passed away due to severe white spots. I am really sorry for them. So i am planning to get some African Rift Lake cichlids. Karen can you do me a favour....i want to get some good magazines and books on fish so can you tell me some web site from where i can get books ordered to India? I mainly like TFH books.

(I am planning to get a silver tailed arawana for the tank i am going to buy...any suggestions?)

Hi Srinivas!

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW PUPPY! I'm so glad you adopted from a shelter, that's wonderful! I bet she is the cutest thing in the world! Is she very small? I know Fox terriers are pretty little dogs and spaniels are about medium sort of in size. What color is she? Sorry for all the questions but I am really excited about your new pup!

Now about fish-
First off you're not greedy! You're just a completely addicted aquarist just as I am and there is nothing wrong with ONE MORE TANK now is there? :-) Hee hee!
~Oh and I am sooo sorry to hear about Toodel, Mischief and Pablo...I know white spot can be rather hard on certain species of fish and Oscars seem to be quite high on that list. I lost two cute babies years ago to White spot no matter how careful I was with medications and water changes..Sometimes it's just too hard on them. Poor guys. :(
Are those three oscars you lost part of the group on your gigantic tank? (Sorry can't remember the gallons!) So are you planning to add African Rift lake cichlids with the other oscars? If so, I don't think that would be a very good idea... (sorry, but correct me if I am wrong on all this!) By the way- Toodel, Mischief and pablo are great names for oscars... :)
So does your TFH stand for "Tropical fish Hobbyiest" magazine? If it is I read that Magazine too, It's the greatest and is thick like a book and has sooo much information! Sorry if that's not what the initials stand for.
-Now about websites that can ship books to india....
Well I did some           researching on the internet late last night and now this morning and I think probably the best website is :"" I checked and read as much as I could about their shipping and I didn't see anywhere that said they do not ship outside the united states but I am not for certain if they would or not. But I am pretty sure they will. Barnes and noble has some really good books on tropical fish and african cichlids--Just type aquarium fish or African cichlids in the search box and there will be many, many pages of books available.
I hope it works for you. If not, just let me know...
Oh yes and if you want a magazine on aquarium fish keeping, you can go to: "" and click on the box that says "Magazine" and click "Subscribe now" if you decide to subscribe be sure to fill out everything on the order under 'international'. also has some excellent information on everything tropical and marine!
Aquarium fish Magazine is very informative-I read it and think it's really helpful, but "Tropical fish Hobbyiest" is a bit better-just because it is thicker and has more room for articles and such.

Anyway, I hope I helped out on your wishes! I hope you get yourself some really good books soon!

About Silver tailed arowanas-
There are six known species of arowanas, and all of them grow 36" or more and require a very large aquarium. When they are small a diet of live and frozen brine shrimp, Black worms, and a few small fish (preferably feeders you've raised yourself,)should be fed. Now about tank size-- a 125 gallon aquarium would be terrific for an arowana --- and a 180 or 220 would be even better if you are able to get one. Make sure you have plenty of mechanical and biological filtration for the tank. High powered, excellent quality Canister filters like HOT magnums are ideal. Of course with any large fish, you have to be careful that their heater doesn't get broken by being knocked around. Best yet is the purchase an titanium heater, which will never be broken by any fish.

I hope this helps...

Remember as always, just email me on anymore questions you may have. If Barnes and noble don't ship internationally, just let me know and I will continue researching... ;-)

~Well, I am wishing you the best in the world to you and your new pup! I hope you can get her tick problem under control! Do you have any Tick prevenative? Around here we use what's called "Revolution" it's a liquid in a tube that you apply between the dog's shoulder blades and it keeps off any ticks and fleas for like a month. It really works! :) just thought I would pass that on.

As always, take care Srinivas and happy fish and dog keeping!
Ps: So did I already miss your birthday date? If so, HAPPY BE LATE BIRTHDAY!! or if your birthday is another day--HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY! hee, hee, hee! ;-)