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Barbs Fighting

23 16:02:58


I've recently bought 12 barbs (2 normal tiger barbs, 8 albino tiger barbs and 2 tinfoil barbs) and they are fighting among themselves. I was wondering if it would be safe to put the 2 tinfoil barbs and normal tiger barbs together with the others because they seem to be hurting the others. One of the albino tiger barb's tail is already wounded. Please advise.


Hi Carol,
Wow! What a school of barbs you have there.

The behavior you are seeing within your mixed group is very common and normal. Barbs love to jostle with each-other and "play-fight" almost all the time. It's their natural tendency and I believe it is a display of dominance or sorting out the pecking order.

I feel you have a large enough group to distribute the aggression so no single fish is isolated and bullied too much. And the injury on the albino barb's tail will heal with clean water and good care. It probably isn't a big cause for alarm. Unless damage continues to the point of the fish losing its whole tail (isolating that fish would be best then until it heals).

So you asked if the normal tiger barbs and two tinfoils could be put with the others safely. You mean keep them with their current group or put them in another tank since they are the primary trouble makers?

One thing I wanted to note was Tinfoil barbs grow very big. And they may have the tendency to pick on smaller fish...especially if they are crowded. I personally had several tinfoil barbs grow to nearly ten inches long. So just make sure you have enough room for them when they are adults.

I hope this helps and best of luck!