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Parrot disease

23 15:34:10


scales peeling off
I have a 115 gallon tank with a few different species in it. I mostly have some african cichlids and a few parrots. Recently I have lost one of my parrots and today I have noticed that the 3 remaining parrots have a kind of slime coat that is falling off their scales. Also, one is floating upside down. I checked the levels of the water and hey seem to be fine:

0 ppm Nitrite
10 ppm Nitrate
2.0 ppm Ammonia
7.2 pH

Please help

Hello Will,

The ammonia is worrisome.  Anything above 0 is not good for the fishes, and especially Parrots, who are sensative to this.

Certainly 10ppm Nitrates are a bit high, also, however with freshwater fishes, we need not worry as much with high nitrates.  The key indicator that Ammonia is high, however, is when nitrates rise as high as 5 to 10ppm.

I would go through the tank and see if there is debris someplace.  I'd siphon it out specifically.

I'd change filtration media and do a 25% water change today and in 2 days as well, another 25%.

This should fix the situation.

Slime coats come off before the skin burns.  It's good that you got this in time.

If you have any further questions, or need any advice, please, feel free to write me, Will.  :)

Happy fish-keeping.