Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > my fresh water tank smells!!!!!

my fresh water tank smells!!!!!

23 15:41:04

i have a 30 gallon tank and 7 gold fish well actually 3
different kinds of fresh water gold fish..i am newbie as u
can see so please go easy on me.i have an aqua clear 50
gallon filter and an homemade bio filter. the water is
crystal clear believe me theres no shit floating around or
anything. i have my tank for like 8 days now and the water
is really clear. ask for the food i do feed them less like
10 pellets a day and i dont over feed them. but the problem
is it smells i was wondering what the problem is! my fish
seems to be healthy. but it smells smells!!! if i cant solve
this stupid problem im going to flash them all in the
toilet.. ugh..i know i have to many fish on my tank so
please dont tell me its crowded. just tell me what i should
put on my biofilter that can built up beneficial
bacteria..thank you :]

Hi Jayce,
Odors from a tank is usually from overfeeding or results from an overpopulated tank.  Goldfish have a huge bioload and the filter cannot keep up with the goldfish, hence the bad smell.

I recommend you feed less, do water changes more frequently and add a filter cartridge that contains activated carbon.  Carbon removes odor very effectively.  