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Getting started with a planted aquarium..

23 16:42:59

Okay i currently have a 20 gallon (long) aquarium, and it currently has gravel, and fake plants. I want to get some live plants, ill probably start out with java moss, then work my way up from there, My question is, can you tell me everything i need to know about getting a planted tank ready for plants?

I wanna know everything i can so when i get the moss, i dont like, kill it, and wastemy money, and same for the other plants i will get.

Hey sean,

well nice to see another enthusiast has joined the hobby. My first piece of advice would be to join a forum such as one i created called it's a place where fish keepers go to ask questions and share knowledge with each other about stuff they love.. including EVERYTHING lol.

Reading up and buying books and magazines.. are only going to benefit you. i can probably say i've read hundreds if not thousands of hours worth of information regarding aquariums.. since i first got into this hobby about 6 years ago and look where i am now.. giving other people advice.

Anyways... the question you asked.. i cannot answer fully, i cant share all my knowledge with you or else i'll be writing a book, you learn one piece at a time but i can surely lead you int he right direction.

First off This what the basics that you'll need to know.If your going to be starting a planted  aquariums you'll need the following.

I'd suggest a tank 33 gallons or bigger, bigger the better less maintanance and more stable water paramaters...

a good filter, fluval makes great ones and eheim makes the best, which is why i got a eheim canister filter.

thirdly you'll need some substrate... such as gravel.. but for plants.. which is madeup of natural clay. Red sea flora base is great which is what i use... eco-complete is another great brand, and flourite is awesome, these provide nutrients to your plants roots.

you'll need proper lighting, i'd shoot for around 2.4 wpg (watts per gallon), so if your getting a 20 gallon tank i'd do about 55 watts 6700k compact flourescent...

see where i'm going.. there's alot to figure out, cant just dive into it.

You're also going to need to learn about injecting co2 intoo your tank, reseach diy co2 systems or look at a system made by nutrafin which gets you all you need "nutrafin co2 setup"

I'd start there man.. lots to know. I'd start with some plants such as java moss, java ferns, vals.. very hardy begginer plants that dont need much light, or co2.. or great substrate.. it's all about learning :)

hope that helped a bit