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Medicating my Angelfish (P. Scalare)

23 16:48:37

I have four Angels in my 55 gallon tank along with 4 black phantom tetras
and 4 gold tetras. Two of the Angels have gotten a large build up of slime on
their upper backs and near the anal fin. What can I do to treat this and will I
be able to treat the two angels along with the other fish? Will they be harmed?
How long do they have before they croak? Any suggestions are greatly


There are a few things I need to know before I can adequately answer your question.  How often do you do water changes and how much do you change out each time?  Do you only have the 4 angels and 8 tetras?  If you have other fish as well, it could be from overstocking.  What I would do right now is do a 50% water change and do this twice a week or more.  If you feel the need to medicate you could try some melafix.