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Oscar scale problem

23 17:02:16

I do see the pine cone effect. Do I just call the pet store for treament options?
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We moved our Oscar to a 50 gal. tank about 12 weeks ago, he has just started floating on his side and his scales are coming off. He loves for us to pet him. Have we done something to him. He is in the tank alone and we only feed him pellets.
Hi Missy,
This could either be swimbladder disease or dropsy. Both dropsy and swimbladder disease will cause make a fish unable to maintain their balance. With dropsy the scales stick out giving the fish a "pinecone" effect. I have never heard of a case of dropsy where a fish has lost it's scales although, it is not impossible. Does he appear to have any other symptoms? If so, please write back so i can make a more accurate diagnosis.


Hi Missy,
If you notice the pinecone effect then this is most definetly dropsy. Dropsy is very difficult to treat and there are not many medications available that are effective enough. Dropsy has several different causes. It may be frequently be caused by internal infections by a number of different bacterial species. Poor water quality and diet can also cause this disease. The disease must be caught early if you want the treatment to be effective. Try using a medication called Interpet #9 Anti internal bacteria. Aquarium salt at 1 tsp per gallon may also be beneficial.

Hope this helps.