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Will guppies hurt corydoras?

25 9:09:27

I used to have two albino corydoras in my tank. One recently died, and I noticed that he had been having little wounds and eaten fins before his death. I thought it might be the o-catfish's fault, but then I saw my surviving cory being picked one by one of my guppies! Do you think it is the guppyies who are hurting my cories?
Thank You!

Hi Laura;

I suppose it's possible. Guppies are just little "pickers" sometimes. They can't be kept with fancy goldfish for partly that reason. Goldfish have a thicker slime coating that guppies are attracted to. It's also possible that the cories are sick and the guppies have been eating the dead tissue after an infection has deteriorated them. Do the cories have reddish areas on their bellies? Do their mouths look okay? Whiskers intact?

To distract the guppies from the cories, drop in some vegies for them to nibble on all day. Romaine lettuce, cooked green beans or peeled peas, and raw squash or cucumber slices are all good ones. They don't rot like regular foods so they can be left in the tank for a day or so.

Tank size is also a consideration. If the tank is small, the fish just might be too close for comfort. Provide more hiding places and it may help.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins