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parasites in fresh water aquarium

23 16:29:40

hi. i read a persons question about parasites in her aquarium. it seems i have something similar going on. my fish are fine. i have a 75 gallon tank. i have 3 parrot fish, a plecostomus, 4 bottom feeders (don't know the names) 4 tetras and 2 flat silver fish ( i don't know the name). the parasites are so small. little white long shapes. you can barely see them. i think i didn't change my water enough like the other person and they were feeding off the stuff on the bottom. if i change my tank twice a week, vacuum well, 1/2 water changes and get it really clean, will i starve them out eventually?


dont fret if you have these, they will go away as you improve water conditions.
Change 25% per week for a month then 10-20% a week after that.
Watch the amount of food that you put in and vacumm the gravel when you water change.
This will get rid of most of them, the rest, don;t worry about it they do a service and the fish will eat them as well.
If you need further assistance just ask.