Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > RE: Sick blackmoor

RE: Sick blackmoor

23 15:28:35



I just want some advice on a blackmoor fish that I have. He has been sick now for about 6 months. I have tried everything to try and help him get better but nothing is working!

My blackmoor is constantly upside down or lying on his right side and I have recently noticed a white stripe on his tail that wasn't there before. I have another fish in the tank which is now also spending a lot of time sitting on the bottom and flicking around.

Over the past 6 months i have tried feeding him peas, have tried swimbladder treatment twice, an internal bacteria treatment and have now put a finrot and fungal treatment into the tank because i am not sure why the white stripe has appeared.

I change the tank every 2 weeks and have got a sufficient filter etc. He is still eating but just doesn't seem to be getting better. Any advice on treatments etc would be appreciated as I really don't know what to do for him now.

Kind regards


He has Ammonia / Nitrite poisoning.  If caught early, he can recover, but his most likely course is eventual death if the situation isn't changed on a permanent basis.

Black Moor require at least 25 gallons each, as adults, because theya re such heavy poopers.  It's not the amount as much as the degree of soil that is in the bowel.  The movement will putrify water very fast, even with a filter.

Constant water changes are necessary.  Weekly.  10% as well as a filter rated to double what the aquarium is.

Also, if you have other goldfish tankmates, the issue increases terribly with time.

Many people think clean looking water is clean, well, Swim Bladder Disorder (which is what your guy has) is 99.9% usually caused by filthy water.

Filthy water can look clean, but it's not.  High toxicity of ammonia and nitrites build up and slowly ruin the swim bladder in the fish.

If you add a bigger filter, begin changing it out every 2 weeks to one month, and if you would change out 50% of his water today, and then 10% every weekend, there is a very good chance he can come out of this, but it has been 6 months, so who knows.

The sad part is it will often go to the other fishes, eventually, as well.

Please get the water changed as soon as possible.  Within about 2 weeks, you may notice him moving more if you get the water changed, and a new filter (larger, more powerful, the biggest you can find - I recommend a Marineland 350).

Happy fish-keeping and good luck.