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ammonia level

23 16:14:11

hello, we have 5 gouramis, 1 barbs, 2 catfish and 1 bala shark in a 30 gallon tank.  When we started we ran the water for 4 days with the recommended water conditioner and chemicals before we added fish. About a week after we lost 11 fish total (replaces those that died) and found out that out ammonia level was high.  We have changed about 60% of our water with spring water, replaced filters and added more "ammonialock", but we still seem to have a high ammonia level.  After reading your other response to Heather, I assume we have too many fish, but what can I do besides get rid of some of our fish.  We have decreased their feeding to a small amount once a day. Is it necessary to use spring water or can we use tap water each time we have to change the water.  So if the ammonia level hasn't changed tomorrow do we need to do a water change again. Please help, we are getting discouraged. We enjoy these fish so much and it is very hard to see them die, and to think that it may be something we failed to do or something we did. Please help us. Thanks Angela.

Hi Angie,
Don't give up! We've all been through this...

You doing good with changing the water and that is the -BEST- thing to do whenever your ammonia levels are high. I don't see any need to use Spring water for water changes and your tap water should be perfectly fine to use. Just don't forget to add water conditioner and make sure the temperature is equal to the tank just a little warmer is fine.

Until your aquarium cycles you may have to do water changes everyday. Large water changes within the ranges of about 50-75% are best for actually having an impact on the ammonia level if its high. You can also use a water conditioner that neutralizes ammonia to help along with the water changes, something like Prime or Amquel+ can help.

Keep in mind too that Ammolock can cause your ammonia test kit to produce false readings. So that may be a major factor.

You are doing everything right so far. You just may have stocked your tank too much too soon but don't worry, you can get through it with patience and persistence.

I hope this helps!