Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > white fuzz on aquarium stones

white fuzz on aquarium stones

23 15:17:53

Hi Jaymie, I recently set up a Hagan fluval edge 6 gl tank (about 2 weeks) No fish yet but all my plants. I've noticed a white fuzz starting to stick to the stones looks like fuzz.. I'm attaching a pic.. any help is appreciated... Carl

It sounds like you have algae in the tank. This could happen if you seed your tank with fish food, overfeed fish in the tank, or the aquarium light is left on for long periods of time, or the aquarium is next to a window. Since there are no fish in the tank I will assume it is probably due to overuse of light. I would suggest removing the rocks, cleaning them off, and put them back in. Do not leave the aquarium light on for more than eight hours a day. If the aquarium is next to a window I would suggest moving it. I would also make sure that the filter is working properly. If your aquarium light is not on and the aquarium is not near a window let me know and I can try to figure out why the algae is growing in your tank.