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Would these work?

23 16:15:05

Hi Karen, I own 2 black kuhlii loaches, 2 african dwarf frogs, 2 albino corys, and a rubberlip sucker in a 10 gallon tank. I want 5 neon tetras. But thats overstocking my tank. Should I get them anyway? And also get a gravel vacuum? Or should I return the frogs or loaches and get the neons plus another cory? Please help!

Hi Sam,
Well, your current fish of Kuhlii Loaches, cories, frogs and rubberlip sucker along with the addition of 5 neon tetras would make it quite full. However the fish you have now and plan to add produce a low bioload and therefor do not overly pollute their tank. The -major- most important key to stick to is to keep up with those water changes.

Definitely get a gravel vacuum, you should gravel vacuum every time you do a water change to get all the waste off the bottom. If this were my tank I'd do about 30% or so twice a week which should keep everyone healthy.

Returning either the frogs or loaches would be helpful of course. But you can get by with keeping them all together if you keep up with the water changes.

Hope this helps!