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Under Gravel Filter Set up

23 16:07:03

I am setting up a 29gal, for 5 Black Moors, they are being transfered from a 10gal. I have a filter that hooks on the back of the tank & am considering using an UGF. The problem is I don't know how to set one up. I understand the concept, but that about it. How does a air pump hook up to it & do I have to have a power head? Any Help?

Hi Curtis:  Under Gravel Filters are great... they are not the fad that canister filters are today but they are equally effective.  The plate... goes on the bottom of the tank under the gravel... make sure you use gravel and not sand. You should have two plastic tubes that connect to the plate and two hoods that hold carbon that go on top of the plastic tubes... do not attach them  yet.  Your kit should have come with air hose and some white looking tubes... these connect to the air hose.  Thread the air hose through the top of the hood caps... then attach the white air stones these slide down the plastic tube to the bottom... attach the hood cap and then attach the air line to the air pump... repeat for side two.  If you are using a powerhead... then the power head sits on the top of the plastic tube or it may connect to the air hose... it would depend on which powerhead you have.... hope this helps... dave