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Driftwood and low Ph

23 16:11:42

My fresh water tank has a driftwood centerpiece which I love. Although my tap water is 7.0, I cannot keep the ph above 6.0 without using a buffer several times a week. I think the algae eater and mollies are not liking the ph buffer, so need to stabilize the ph to relieve the fish. Do I need to completely remove the driftwood, or is there a way to treat it so it becomes less of a problem?

Hi Sharon:  Add coral gravel to your tank and it will buffer the driftwood.  Add one lb for each ten gallons of water but do it one pound at a time as you do not want to shock the fish.  Test the water each day after adding one pound of the gravel.  When the pH is about where you want it stop and wait another day and test the water again.  dave