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One last thought

23 16:14:29

 hi i have had my bettas conditioned with bloodworms and their tanks were beside each other for about a week. NOW though i put them in a 5.5 gallon breeding tank with a styrophome cup, and the girl is in a breeding trap were the male can see her, they have been in their for about a week now she is full of eggs and her white dot is sticking out alot but she doesnt have vertical strips. when he flares at her through the glass she runs away in panik and gets horizontal strips which i belive are caused by stress.

and also the male doesnt seem to want to build his bubble nest is their anything i can do to encourage him to build it. When he was in his jar he built the bubble nest rather large then he just stopped when i moved him into the 5.5 gallon tank.

i have a heater and i have tried switching the males but she seems to favour this exact one in the tank with her right now but she will not get those vertical strips she is the same colour as this female on this website here but when she gets those horizontal strips they come out really strong and bold

what am i doing wrong?( there both under a year old)

Hi Serena.  I hope you can understand that my concern was for the fish and that you didn't get in "over your head".  In your question, you did not tell me whether you were a beginner, novice or advanced breeder, so I didn't feel comfortable answering your question without making sure you knew what it was all about.  I would suggest that if you use this service or any other service in the future, you give them as much history as possible in to your experience and knowledge so that they are able to tell what your level is.  This helps a great deal rather then having to try to guess.  This goes for anyone/everyone who asks questions, not just you. ;o)  It just makes it easier for us.

I had answered a question like this before and the person had NO idea what was involved, with time, space and money, etc.  They just decided to throw 2 common bettas in together.  After reading my response, they were EXTREMELY thankful that I told it to them straight what was involved.  I did not feel I was rude to you, I just feel I was bluntly honest.  I'm sorry if you felt differently.  Here is a website you may want to visit and contact the owner of the site to ask your questions: .  His name is Chris and he has a lot of experience with breeding.  If you go there, or if you go to the Everything Aquatic forum (, tell them MrsCrabs sent you.  You will be warmly welcomed.

Again, I honestly do wish you the best of luck in your endeavor.