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Alage Eater has Worms

23 16:13:06


I'm very impressed with your web site.  It seems to be the best resource out there.  Excellent Job!

I've had my 55 gallon tank about four years.  My son noticed large worms coming from the Alage Eater.  The worms are a clear like color, with it seems feces attached to them.  The head of the worms are oval.  

We have been away traveling quite a bit in recent months, so the tank has not been cleaned as it usually is.  (maybe eveer two to three weeks as oppposed to the usualy weekly clearning and 25% water change).

I finally observed the worms emerging from the Algae Eater myself.  It seems to be giving birth to worms!

I am concerned about putting my arm in the tank to clean it.  And I am clearly concerned about my Alage Eater.

What can I do?

Thank You!

Hi Loren:  I would treat the tank for internal parasites. Jungle makes a good medication for internal parasites.  Medication comes in a variety of forms.  There is medication that you add to the water, add to food, and medication that is already added to food.  Anything the fish can eat that is medicated works best but... like children it is VERY difficult to get fish to eat medicated food.  I would skip feeding for a day and then give them the medication.  I would also continue to do your water changes and vacuum the gravel.  You can do this without getting wet.  There are also magnet cleaners that allow you to clean the glass without getting wet too.  They work well.  Additionally I would feed brine shrimp do everyone in the tank as the tiny shells on the shrimp will help to clear out their intestines too.   I doubt the worms are a threat to you or your family but the fish will need to be medicated none-the-less.  If you have additional questions please let me know.... dave