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my betta is peeling i think

25 9:20:23

my betta fish has been laying at the top of his tank, and his skin looks like it's peeling. i've never seen a peeling fish. and i asked the petstore about it, and they haven't ever seen anything like this before as well. he'll lay at the top of the tank for a while, then he'll swim in a circle really fast, then he'll stop and just float there on his side, breathing of course. and he just looks so unhealthy. i got him two days ago from the petstore, and they did the water for him, so it should be ok. i've fed him according to the instructions on the packet.
i dont know how to make him better

Hello Katie!!

Well, the only thing I can think of why a Betta's skin is peeling is a possibility of fungus growing on the skin. Many times Fungus will appear as sheets on the body and also as fuzzy growths around the base of the fins and everywhere else. The medication "Marycyn" is a good anti-fungal treatment made by Mardel labs. Marycyn along with the all natural Melafix medication would really help your betta out. One of the most important things is keeping the water clean. Preferably it is best to change the water half to 100% everyday and replace with de-chlorinated water the same temp as the water the betta was originally in.

Now about floating on his/her side. I have this problem with a few of my dozen or so bettas and it is considered as swim bladder disorder, caused by overfeeding or lack of variety in diet and the best remedy for this is to not feed the betta for a day or two and see how he does. If the betta doesn't appear skinny or shrunken he won't starve. After that you can try giving him a cooked pea that is pelled and feed a tiny little bit to your betta and see if that further helps. Remember as always clean water is the best prevention for every known illness.

Diseases are always very tricky and many times I have had to learn from my own experiences than trust that of what lies in a fish care book. Not that I am against fish books. :) Just sometimes you can't always go by what it says on the page or the back of the label.

Please, Please, Please visit this wonderful betta care website that provides all the informtaion you need including a little further info on your problem.
"" under the link "Illness" be sure to scroll down and check out the "Medications made easy" link, especially important if your betta's home is a fishbowl.

I hope I helped, Katie. If you need anymore info, or have more questions, just email me again! I am happy to help!

Best of luck to you and your betta... don't give up!

Happy holidays and Happy fishkeeping!