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canister filters

23 15:58:46

I am experienced in the fish tank hobby, however it has been a few yrs since I had them. I am now the proud owner of a nice 55 gal set up with all the appropriate hardware,
So.....the question is, what and is there any advantage to a canister filter set up? Is it more efficient, quieter, etc. these filters were not an option when I was last in the hobby.
Thanks, Steve

Hi Steve,

Sorry for the slow response, I found this in the Question Pool of unanswered questions.

Canister filters offer better filtration, when compared to undergravel filters and many power or in-tank filters. First of all, they provide lots of space to store various filtration media. Also, they provide a great place for nitrifying bacteria to live. The best thing about them, in my opinion, is that specialized/and/or a variety of filter media can be placed in them. For example, peat moss can be placed in there, along with some carbon, foam, and a porous substance (for bacteria.)

There is only one drawback: They cost much more than the equivalent power filter, but I would definitely recommend them. They offer the 'top of the top' in aquarium filtration.

They are quiet, and most have media compartments you can access easily. From experience, I would recommend the Hagen Fluval Canister filters, they are very efficient, and extremely reliable. They are relatively easy to set up, and are available at most large pet store chains, such as Petco or Petsmart.