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red cap fish

23 16:08:50


How to raise a newly born red cap fish??

Hi Ronnie;

Raising baby fish is pretty easy really. Just keep them away from larger fish that could eat them, make very frequent water changes (25% at least twice a week), and feed good quality food at least 3 times a day until they approximately double in size from their birth size. You can get some baby fish food or just crumble up some regular goldfish flakes for them. Once they grow larger just feed twice a day.

Baby fish like live plants to nibble on and hide in too. Anacharis (elodea), cabomba, hornwort, etc. Plants with very small leaves work the best for babies. They like to eat the tiny microorganisms on them, which is very healthy.

When you make partial water changes, siphon the water from the bottom of the tank. That's where it's the dirtiest. Be sure the new clean water is the same temperature as the water that is already in the tank and use a water conditioner.

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins