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Sick Upside Down Fish

25 9:08:57

My goldfish starteed to seem a bit down in the mouth 2 days ago. I noted how he seemed to be constipated, however I do not know very much about fish.

Coming home from work yesterday I found him lying upside down against the side of the bowl breathing as normal but apparantly unable to move. He forced himself upright once, however has not moved from the bottom of the tank and the upside down postion since. He has slight reddening around the eyes and back area (from being upside down?) and is not eating (however I have placed a block in to try and keep his sustanance up).

There is another fish in the bowl who is fine. Could you please suggest any remedies/medicines?

I have done a part water change, and have some Protozin if that might help? But I would not know how to feed anything to him as he's not eating.

Many thanks

Worried F

Dear Felicity,
I'm sorry to say but because your Goldfish is in a bowl. Most like he is suffering from bad water quality. Goldfish are high waste producers and great consumers of available oxygen in the water. Even though it is tradition, goldfish do not belong in bowls. They pollute their water far too fast, they need filtration and oxygenation, and also need the space to live and be themselves.

Even partial water changes are likely ineffective if the waste level is so high. The main part we are speaking of is ammonia which is very toxic to fish even a very low levels. In a healthy aquarium there are special beneficial bacterial colonies that slowly develop and then become established several weeks after the aquarium is setup. They are the ones that make keeping an aquarium healthy--possible. Beneficial bacteria remove ammonia and convert it to nitrites, then later nitrites are converted to the least harmful of all nitrates.

So a much better solution to your goldfish problem is to at the very least get them a 10gal inexpensive aquarium with a hang-on-the-back power filter, airstone, ect.. Your goldfish will thrive so much better in this enviroment. And now a bacterial colony will begin to establish. You can keep track of their development by testing your water everyday and taking note of the ammonia, nitrites, and nitrate levels with simple aquarium test kits found at your local petshop. Even though a 10gal is still quite small for goldfish and they would do better in at least a 20-29. (Ideally 1 goldfish per 10gals) this is the best thing you could do for them right now.

~*~From what you described it sounds like your goldfish's symptoms indicate he is suffering badly from poor water quality. I would do 50% water changes -twice a day- on his bowl. I know this sounds extreme but it is vital for your goldfishes health. He must be suffering pretty badly.

I know you meant well but please try to change your goldfishes water as much as you can. This is the best thing you could do for your goldfish. And as soon as you can, setup at least a 10gal. If you need any help at all on any of these, feel free to write me....

I really hope this helps! Improving your goldfishes water quality is the utmost thing you could do now. I'm sorry to say that although goldfish are hardy, he may be too far gone. Don't give up whatever you do. And feel free to keep me updated Felicity, on your goldfish.

Best wishes, I hope this helps!