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betta and goldfish

23 16:07:05

Can we put a male betta fish and goldfish in the same aquarium? thank you...lillie

Hi Lillie,
Unfortunately those two would not go together very well at all. Bettas need quiet and peaceful tankmates and goldfish tend to be somewhat bossy and overly active fish. Bettas also prefer warmer temps in the upper 70's while goldfish do best at low 70's or around room temp. Goldfish will likely also hog all the food from the slow-swimming betta.

Sorry to for the bad news. Bettas usually do great with small peaceful tankmates such as Glowlight tetras, Neons, White clouds, Harlequin rasboras and similar fish. Goldfish do best with other goldfish or some Dojo Loaches/white clouds.

I hope this helps!