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celestial eyed goldfish

23 16:50:28

Hi, I had a really sad experience with a little celestial eyed goldfish that I really got attached to. the pet store said he would be fine in a little 2 gal hex tank with an air stone and I didn't know better. They told me to clean the tank once a week and by day 5 he had little white specks on his tail. I treated him for ick like the store told me to and he ended up dying. After coming across this site and getting some education I can see why. I would have never put him in that little tank had I known.
Anyway, I have been trying to learn about these fish. I think they are really cute, like sesame street characters.
I have heard that they are bred carelessly and are fragile  and that it might even be cruel to keep them. I was wondering if that was true. I understand about the need to keep them with similar slow feeding fish because of their limited eyesight. Also I know you need to keep the tank decorations safe.
I am planning on getting a 55 gal tank to house 3 or 4 goldfish and would like to have a few of those. I don't want the bubble eye type like is often recommended for tankmates. My daughter really wants a black moore and I don't know if that would work. I just really don't want any more dead fish.              Thanks, Diane.


Yes, many fancy goldfish are overbred and improperly bred so that they are quite fragile. I don't believe it is cruel to keep them- they are after all still living organisms who need proper care and a good home. However, if you are against the improper breeding of goldfish, not supporting that market is also a fair way to go.

Everything you said about the care of these fragile creatures is absolutely correct. They do need extra care. I would recommend keeping only celestial eyed goldfish in your tank in order to be safe. You could probably get away with a pleco as well, as usually these are docile. Also, plecos feed from the bottom so they won't threaten your goldfish's food source. You most certainly don't want any fish or objects in your tank that could wound your celestial eyed fish's eyes.

I hope this helps.
