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loaches eating!!!

23 16:30:33

Hi, i have clown loaches and i feed them algae discs. However, they don't seem to know it is food. Is this normal? They do however pick on it and then swim away. Also, i don't think they eat the snails. Should i feed them at night since they are nocturnal? Last, are they allowed to eat mealworms? I also feed them veges. Thanks for all your help.

Hi Greg,

Loaches are by nature scavengers and will eat most anything that they find while moving about the tank, they will not eat a diet that only consist of veggies and if given the choice will take meaty items over an omni diet. Mealworms are not a good idea for most fish, the exoskeleton is very hard to break through and digest, if you want to give them live worms go for earthworms or waxworms but only sparingly since they are very fatty and can cause digestive issues if given to often.