Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > lump in gill

lump in gill

25 9:11:28

hi my name is amber and i just got a 100 gallon fresh water tank from my friend with all her fish and this one is white and he has what it looks like is a large lump in his gill and the gill wont shut at all. im not sure what to do and im not sure what it is can you help me? it is a beautiful fish and i would hate to see anything happen to it:(  thanks amber

Hi Amber;

What color is the lump?
How big is the lump and how big is the fish?
What kind of fish?
Can you see his red gills?
Could it be a broken part of his gill or gill cover?
Could it be a piece of gravel or a rock stuck there?
Does he act sick or stressed?
Does he eat?

Let me know as soon as you can.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins