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Compatible Tank Mates

23 15:40:39

Hi there,
I currently have a 30 gallon aquarium with 1 African Dwarf Frog, 1 red tetra (can't remember the type), 2 Fruit Loop Tetras, 2 Neon Tetras, 2 Platys and 1 Female Betta. (I know they're odd numbers - I just got the new tank and am preparing to put some more of their kind in so they can school!).
I have been fascinated by parrot fish. I was wondering if you knew if these fish were community friendly with my smaller guys - I don't want them to get bullied by any means!

Hi Rachel,
Since this is a newly set up tank, you need to remember to do extra water changes because tetras are very sensitive to nitrogen (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate).  That's why people are encouraged to not buy tetras until a tank is cycled.  But if extra water changes are done it should be just fine.  

If you get a blood parrot, make sure you get a small one.  Bigger blood parrots will eat whatever fits in its mouth.  As the tetras grow bigger with the blood parrots, it should be fine.