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fungus treatment & snails

23 16:18:25

dear michael

recently my pond snails (i'm guessing) have reproduced and now there are a
bundle of baby snails in my twenty gallon tank. with them are only a limited
number of fish that have been with me for years, two harlequin rasboras/rosy
barbs (i cannot seem to have a final decision for they look much too similar)
and one sail finned dalmatian molly. recently i realized one of the
rasbora/rosy barb has been infected with a lot of fungus (both eyes have a
cottony outer layer) and one seems perfectly healthy and the molly has been
infected as well. when i realized this i had nothing in my house to treat
fungus so i just put a bit of the ick solution (wardley?) i had with me just as
am emergency solution (which i'm sure did nothing, but i had to do
something). as i poured in it however i realized that the treatment for it is
not intended for scaleless fish. so i was wondering what do you suggest for
fungus treatment of fish with snails in the tank? would the snails be alright
with such a treatment or do i need to remove them? (which is hard because
they are still tiny and all over the tank)


you can treat the fungus with any fungal agent, read the directions, it will tell you if its invert safe.
If not, don;t use it. no copper.
most granulated cures are salt based with various additives for specific applications.
you could dip the fish in the soulution as well if there is danger to the snails.
Let me know how you make out.