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otherwise healthy betta

23 15:25:53

My veil tail betta has shown no signs of sickness but yesterday i noticed a rather prominent white spot on the top of his head... its not the tiny spots like ich or anything ive read about and hes not showing any unusual behaviors at all... Hes otherwise acting like himself. Im just concerned that i need to be doing something to get rid of the white spot on his head to prevent a larger problem from forming. I changed his water yesterday and cleaned his 1 gal tank and evrything in it. Hes eating like normal and i did notice some faint discoloration on one of his cheeks. Hes a bright red color so its hard to detect anything but i put him in his cup i keep him in when doing water changes and am much better able to examine him that way.  Please Help   thank you :)

Hi Amy!
Sometimes isolated white spots are injuries or light scar tissue. That will heal with time and good care. Its good that you are concerned with his health but I don't feel he needs any medications at all. Medicating blindly can do more harm than good. I would recommend simply to keep giving him good care and keep an eye on it. I have a feeling it will go away on its own.

Bettas can easily bump their heads jumping up to try to catch little things they are curious about. Like a smal spot above the waterline they think might be food. Sometimes it can be a little accident on tank decor or when bettas get too worked up when flaring and showing off, especially in front of their reflection.

I really hope this helps!
Best of luck and Happy Holidays!