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water probelms

25 9:09:37

I just changed water in my aquariam (33 gallon) about 25-50% water change. I changed the filters also. Within about 20 minutes my 2 goldfish that I have had for 4 years died.  Now my plocastmus(sucker fish) is dying.  I also have a albino frog that is still living. I am very upset about this and not sure what I can do, if the other two can be saved.  My water is foaming by the filters.  I used Aquasafe. Do you have any suggestions?

Dear Niki,
I'm so sorry I couldn't have replied sooner. I've been caught up with a lot of things lately...

This is a mystery. But I have a some thoughts on what could have happened. The first thing though that I need to ask is can you think of -anything- different during this water change? How long has the aquarium gone without a water change. If it has gone a good while, a natural occurance of decomposing fish waste and other organic matter produces acid and so causes the pH and hardnes of your aquarium water to drop over time, the sudden addition of freshwater with it's totally different chemistry (higher pH) could have shocked your fish as any even mild ph changes can be hard on a fishes system.

I know it's a lot of hassle for you to answer these questions. But if you could consider them for a moment, this could help solve this mystery...
Were you certain that the temperature was very close to your 33gal aquarium's? Any severe temperature flucation can cause a lot of stress to your fish.

What exactly did you use to change the water? Is there any chance that perhaps a bucket you used for water changes previously was used for chemicals of any sort?

Did you use enough Aquasafe? This is a very good water conditioner. But some water supply companies add extra chlorine and chloramines to their tap water due to the hot summer months I'm certainly not saying this is the cause-- but it's just a possibility.

Could some other contaminant have gotten into your water? Even soap, chemical, or lotion residue from your hands and arms can literally poison your aquarium if you didn't rinse your hands and arms very well before reaching into your tank. Was anything used to clean the front glass of the aquarium or any kind of chemical used to clean the tank?

How did your fish behave before you lost them? Did they gasp, behave listless, ect...

I don't think the foaming by your filter is any extreme worry. It could be soap that got into your tank... but aquasafe water conditioner also foams at the water surface with the least little surface disturbance.

If it is possible that your aquarium had been going a long time without a water change and then suddenly got one at a large percentage with a totally different pH and chemistry. There isn't much you can do.. I'm very sorry. You can only hope for the best that the rest of your little animals, the Albino Frog and Plecostomus will make it through. Preventing this kind of problem is simple, just by doing regular water changes and not letting it go too long. Again, i cannot say this is the EXACT cause. But it is a possibility.

Well, I can only hope that this is of some help to you. If you have anymore questions or concerns...Feel free to write.

Only my very best wishes to you and your fish!!!!