Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > My Betta is Sick!

My Betta is Sick!

23 16:25:02

QUESTION: We have a betta that used to live in a vase with a live plant.  The plant starting growing a film on it, so we threw the plant away and moved the betta to a 3 gal. aquarium.  He now won't eat.  The water is clean; it's heated to 78 degrees and has a filter.  He just sits on the artificial plant that is near the top of the tank in order to swim up for air.  I also gave him aquarium salt that I had read was good for sick fish.  What could be wrong with him?

ANSWER: Hi Kelly;

He may just be stressed and is just trying to get used to moving water and a new environment. It may take a few days for him to recover. The tank is probably also going through the break-in period. Be sure to remove all uneaten food and make a water change every other day to help him through it all. Salt is okay to help with stress but after the initial dosage, only add more salt when you change water. A good dosage is 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of replaced water. Here is my web page about new tanks so you know more about the "break-in";

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello again Chris.  My Betta is now leaning vertically on top of the plastic plant two inches from the top of the tank.  He appears to be having trouble breathing or panting for air.  Is this normal, or did that plant give him an infection of some sort?  Please reply asap.  Thank you.

Hi Kelly;

He may have a problem with his swim bladder. The swim bladder controls buoyancy and if it fails he will have a hard time staying either up or down in the water. Here is a web page with more about it;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins