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Infestation in tank

23 16:05:53

I was wondering if you could help me, by telling me how to remove a waterlilly afid infestation in my 280 ltr aquarium?
As it would be hard to remove the plants and rinse them under hot water. the only positive is that the fish are getting a supplement food supply at present. But I am dreading the winged stage is there a way of removing them?

Hi Mark,
Wow I've never heard of Waterlilly Aphids before. I did a little research and found that the aphids tend to target yellow or damaged leaves so try removing those as much as possible to deter them. Also dunking them underwater so the aphids drown or wiping off the leaves frequently can help. I've also heard of people using a wet-vac to remove aquarium pests. I've never had to use this method before though.

Here is also a safe chemical (derived from garlic) you can spray on aphids to get rid of them.

(Copy and paste this link);jsessionid=0a01054f1f43fb186433788d45...

I don't know if that was helpful at all. But I hope. ;-)

Best of luck!